Tellurton Mercantile at dusk, room incandescent lamps at low
power to allow store’s lighting to show interior detailing. The
shelved can goods was from a scaled image of the fully-loaded
canned goods storage. Making the bolts of fabrics was a major
time consumer. (SL) |
Pandero Oven Company at “night time” when the only room
illumination is blue lamps operating at reduced output (voltage)
to simulate the night sky. Exposure was 15 seconds at F 8 with
ISO 80. The moon and smoke courtesy of Photoshop. (SL) |
Tellurton Station. Built from the Gunnison Station kit. (SL) |
Jeff’s Building illustrates the exceptional ability Jeff had
in modeling. His profession was making models for architects.
The switchman was scratch built by Shelly based on a Marty
Vaughn clinic. (RM) |
Foster Manufacturing with Shay #6 and an ore car on the Howe
truss heading to the switchback for the future location of the
Levi Mine. The two tunnel entrances are on the 8% grade of the
switchback. (RM) |